Greece: Visiting Professors / Visiting Researchers Program

The Visiting Professors/Visiting Researchers program aims to finance Visiting Professors/Visiting Researchers who will provide teaching/research work.

The project will also co-finance cooperating companies from Greece or abroad, which will implement a collaborative research project together with a Visiting Professor/Visiting Researcher.

Each Visiting Professor/Visiting Researcher can participate in only one application.
Emphasis will be given to candidates who can introduce new scientific disciplines or approaches to the structure and teaching of curricula in HEIs and/or offer new research fields and research activity in collaboration with collaborating companies.
Visiting Professor programs must run for a period of at least one (1) semester and up to five (5) semesters.
Visiting Researcher programs must run for at least one (1) year and up to three (3) years.

All programs must be completed by 31/12/2025 at the latest.

For more detailed information in English, as far as eligibility criteria and process, as well as funding, please see the attached document.


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Source: Embassy of Greece in Japan


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