“Voyage”: Seafaring and shipbuilding in Greece from antiquity to modern times

The Herakleidon Museum in Athens presents the history of maritime voyages, achievements in naval architecture, exchange of ideas and technological developments, presented through about 40 handmade wooden models of Greek ships, which date from prehistoric times to the middle of the 20th century. The exhibits, of remarkable size (0,60 m. to 1,50 m) and excellent, detailed construction, combined with the well-designed presentation, offer the visitors the possibility to study the models at their leisure and in depth, and thus better understand the development of shipbuilding from antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century. The creator of these models is Dimitris Maras, M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and model shipbuilder, who has studied in depth the shipbuilding history of Greece, as well as the construction of ship models.

The exhibition also includes navigational instruments as well as a life scale replica of the Antikythera mechanism. Maps, video projections, explanatory drawings by the archaeologist Yiannis Nakas, and other material further complement the exhibition.

The goal of the exhibition is to present to the visitors, in a coherent and comprehensible manner, the history of Greek seafaring and shipbuilding, giving them a chance to take a mental trip back in time to discover the close and timeless relationship of the Greek people with the sea.

“Voyage”: Seafaring and shipbuilding in Greece from antiquity to modern times

37 Apostolou Pavlou Str, Athens
October 1, 2016 – August 27, 2017
Daily & weekends 10:00-18:00
Thursday 10:00-20:00


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